Jia Wei Xiao Yao San

If you haven’t been prescribed it you’ve at least walked passed this formula at Freddy’s. Jia Wei Xiao Yao San is a favourite among practitioners and patients. It contains 10 herbs that together helps to treat Liver Qi Stagnation particularly with underlying Spleen and Blood Deficiency. Now, what does this mean?

So as we mentioned last month, the Liver, in Chinese Medicine is important for many reasons, it controls the free flow of emotions, stores the blood, nourishes the eyes and tendons and has a close relationship to the spleen and stomach (just to name a few). Sometimes when we are running on fumes, we are stressed and tired we can start to experience ‘liver qi stagnation', this is very common. In some cases when you’ve been experiencing liver qi stagnation, due to its relationship with the spleen and stomach, our energy and digestion can start to be affected. Maybe for some that looks like extra bloating, for others nausea, or maybe some generalised digestive discomfort. We’ve likely all been there, you are stressed and the next thing you know, digestion is out the window. 

Well, let us introduce your friend Jai Wei Xiao Yao San. 

This little powerhouse formula will help to calm the liver and move the qi, removing any stagnation. Simultaneously it will strengthen the spleen and nourish the blood and yin (also great for period pain). If you’ve been getting some palpitations or sleeping badly jia wei xiao yao san can also assist. Now as a reminder, this is all very generalised and requires a qualified practitioner to diagnose and prescribe.


Congee for Digestion


Spring in TCM