Vedic Meditation
This mantra meditation is an automatic self-transcending technique. It is effortless and simple, 20 minutes practiced two times per day. We are not trying to make the mind settle down, we are just allowing it to spontaneously do so. This is a tool that transcends all activity and gets you into a deep state of rest.
The primary benefit of this technique is that it creates an outlet for stress. It promotes one’s awareness of Self, that is the truth of what ‘I am’. Not my thoughts, not my feelings, not my personality….This experience brings joy and peace.
This course will be led by Martine Looijschelder, who was taught for 2 years to be a teacher by Jeff Kober. At Freddys we practice ancient traditions, and then apply it to modern day living. These traditions for this meditation come from the Vedas.
The course goes over 3 days, sessions are 90 minutes. On the first day there is also a one-to-one initiation ceremony. For this ceremony you will need to bring a flower and 2 sweet fruits and you will receive your personal mantra, and instructions on how to use it. Once the technique is mastered you are able to practice on your own. This is a tool you can take anywhere with you in your back pocket.
A free follow-up program of weekly meditation meetings on Wednesday nights is conducted to fine-tune your practice and to continue to increase knowledge.
See below to find the next course & to book. The cost of the Vedic meditation course is $300, which includes a lifetime membership to group meetings held at the Acupuncture Collective. We also have payment plans available for any of our Acupuncture Collective regulars.
“Established in being perform action” - Bhagavad Gita
Group Meditation every Wednesday* at 7.15pm, free and open to all.
*No group meditation in January - back every Wednesday in February.